Happy Mother's Day!!
Yesterday, Grace and I went to a Mother/Daughter tea with a lot of ladies from church. I was looking through Grace's closet to find the perfect dress for her and this is what I decided on:
Grace is wearing my Polly Fender dress
Here I am at 13 months in the same dress
And here is a picture of us before church today
And Happy Mother's Day to my Mom!!! Thank you for always being there for us. I know that no matter what, you are only a phone call away. Wish we could all be there!!
Today is just a lazy Sunday--after Church we came back to give Grace a nap and some lunch. For lunch we had pasta with creamy red sauce (Heather's favorite dish to make). Other than that, Dustin starts reverse cycle training Monday, which means that he will work at night and go to the field and then come home and sleep during the day. Might give us more time during the day to go fix the sqeal that the minivan makes everytime you use the A/C. Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers, grandmothers, friends, etc.
Dustin, Heather, and Grace!