Yesterday Olivia turned 1 month old. I can't believe that is has already been a month since she was born. It doesn't seem like that long.
You weigh a little over 9 pounds now and you are about 21 inches long.
You are just about to outgrow your newborn diapers and clothes.
You are such a good baby and a great sleeper (4-5 hour stretches at night!). You really like the water sounds on your pack-n-play.
Some exciting things we did during your first month are:
The circus in Elgin, several long walks around the neighborhood, and several shopping trips (Hobby Lobby, Mall, Lowes, and Commissary--I still don't want to take you to Wal-Mart!)
Your first outing was to PWOC when you were just 4 days old.
My favorite milestone this month is your first real smile.