On Thursday Olivia turned 6 months. Half a year has gone by since she was born. Now less than half a year left until she turns 1.
I love taking her picture each month with these blocks that our friends Chelsea and Elly got us.
She is growing so fast! I pulled out both of the girls' baby books and last month Olivia was already taller than Grace was at this age. I am not sure how big she is now but I know she is taller than she was a month ago. I just had to move her jumperoo and excersaucer to the second height position.
She loves to hold onto things. She grabs at everything! And, of course, if she can get her hands on it she puts it in her mouth. She isn't too crazy about baby food though. We have given her some here and there and she normally just spits it out. Tonight we gave her a sweet potato fry and she loved it. I think she likes to be able to hold her food and chew it.