Monday, January 18, 2010


Tomorrow is going to be a very long day. It has the potential to be really good or even really bad. We will be sleeping (or trying to sleep!) on a plane tomorrow night. We will be on the go during nap time. And bedtime. But, we are going to try and see the world's second tallest building - the Taipei 101!

{Grace going for a wagon ride}

Today we ran a couple of errands. We had to go and buy more baby wipes because I just realized that the baby wipes I had packed with the car seat about a month ago were no longer packed. I must have needed them and pulled them out. Oops!

{Grace now does this when we say "touch your head"}

Grace got a lot of outdoor time in today. She played on our balcony, then went downstairs, and then we walked the stairs to check out the views from each floor of our building. THEN we went to the park. And then we went to ANOTHER park! We probably spent at least 30 minutes at each of the parks and she got to swing and slide. She had a GREAT time! We had already packed the cameras so I didn't get any pictures. Then we topped it off with Pizza Hut since we have literally no food in the house. Hopefully the commissary won't be too busy during the super bowl :-)

The car is packed and we are ready to go. Just need to add a couple things in the morning. One being this little toy that Grace is so in love with!

{she would miss her puppy if we had to leave him behind. We finally decided tonight that he can be strapped to the front of the backpack}

And here are some videos so you all have something new to watch while we are gone.

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