Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shop, shop, shop!!!

One of the great things about visiting the states is the chance to SHOP! I think Grace loves to shop just as much as her Mommy. Today we set out for the mall looking for Grace a pair of summer shoes. In the entire mall we were only able to find one pair in her size that was what I was looking for. So, what did I do? I bought 2 pairs! One that will fit now and one that she can grow into later this summer. Grace also got several pairs of shorts and some cute t-shirts for this summer. Since Grace has leveled off on her growing the clothes I had bought on the after summer clearance last year still have plenty of growing room so she needed a few things a size smaller.

Another nice thing about going to the mall is Chick-Fil-A. Grace finally got to eat some good chicken. She had 7 nuggets yesterday!! And, yes, we may have ate at Chick-Fil-A two days in a row. It IS that good!!


JG said...

Yay for Chick-fil-A!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear you are just laying back and enjoying your brief stay here. I hope Chick-fila appreciates you and Grace.

Love Papa Roy

Patty Patterson said...

I love the way Grace runs towards and sign that say "Sale" or "Clearance". I think she was born to find a bargain!


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