Monday, December 12, 2011

9 Month Sticker Pictures

It seems to take me forever to get the pictures from my camera to my computer. Olivia is 9 1/2 months old now and growing more every day! She is pretty small for her age and smaller than Grace was at this age... she weighs less than Grace did at 6 months :)

Last week both girls had their well baby/child appointment. Grace got her blood pressure taken for the very first time! The girls are SO different. Grace walked in and never stopped talking to the nurse. Olivia, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with the nurse (or the doctor). She did not like being measured or the doctor looking in her ears. Grace loved both!

Olivia weighs 15 lb. 4 oz. and is 26 1/2 inches tall now. She hasn't grown much since her last appointment at 6 months but she sure has grown out of a lot of clothes. She can wear some 12 month things.

She is such a happy girl! We figured out she is pretty particular about how/where she sleeps. She only likes to sleep in her bed or the car and she only likes to sleep with a certain sheet on the bed. I took her sheet off to wash it and put a different one on and she did not sleep well at all for several days and I finally figured out it was the sheet. I put her normal sheet back on and she is back to sleeping great. And she loves to hug a blanket that her Grandma Phyllis made for her. She giggles when she knows she is about to get her blanket.

She just got her first little tooth. And she is going to visit the dentist tomorrow!

She loves her big sister and they play so well together (most of the time). Grace doesn't normally like for us to take her picture but lately she wants her picture taken if we are taking pictures of Olivia. She climbed in Olivia's crib so she could be in the pictures too!

My two little silly girls!!


Patty Patterson said...

Beautiful girls! Of course, you already know that!

Brandy said...

I love her HUGE smile! Her little tooth is so tiny and cute. Lol She is the happiest teething baby I have ever seen. :)


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