Sorry for the delay in getting this posted but things have been a little on the busy side lately. More or less, Grace has been requiring extra attention since her naps have been almost non-existent. That and I am helping to host our battalion coffee which is tomorrow night. The theme is Chocolate Dipped!
So moving on to Christchurch. This is a place we wish we could have spent more time. We had booked a Tranz Alpine train tour so we didn't get to spend much time in the city. We had a 20 min. stop to see a cathedral and shop before we had to head off to the rest of our tour. Probably our favorite part of the day was our morning tea at Homebush farm. They had some yummy snacks! And we watched them sheer a sheep and then herd sheep. The sheep herding was Grace's favorite thing of the whole day!! She wanted to stay and watch the dog and sheep run.
{the house at Homebush}
After some time at the farm we got back on the bus and drove out to Arthurs Pass. It was a long drive but had some very beautiful scenic views. At Arthurs Pass we boarded a train for our trip back to Lyttleton where we would finally make our way back to the ship. On our ride back the train had a broken part so it was taking way too long to get back so they had to call and have the buses come back to get us. We ended up being almost the last people back on the ship that night. We did a lot of sitting on a bus/train but Grace was wonderful all day!
When we stopped in Belize, our van (without AC in the middle of summer) broke down!! We actually held the ship up from leaving on-time! We were nearly an hour & a half late! :-/ I forgot about that until you wrote how you were some of the last people on the ship!
Glad you guys made it, safely!! :)
I think Grace likes animals! And, she has a sticker on her shirt. Looks like she's been having fun with those!
Christchurch looks beautiful. I've wanted to see it ever since I watched "Until They Sail." Great movie, btw.
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