Monday, March 29, 2010


So I was planning on blogging about our weekend this morning but life got in the way. Or rather glass shattering around Grace's feet put a stop to my blogging. There was a piece of paper that she wanted and when she got it she also pulled my little baby cup off the desk that was sitting on top of it. I spent a good while picking up glass, sweeping, wiping the area down with a microfiber towel, and then I vacuumed and then finally mopped. I had to pick up all of
Grace's toys before I could do the vacuuming and mopping. I also had to put her in a safe spot - her crib - while I cleaned up the mess. I really didn't want her to try to eat glass again!

So now back to where I left off this morning... as you can see I had nothing written!

Sunday morning we went to the zoo and the wonder museum they have there.

(For pictures click HERE)

Grace had a great time looking at all of the pictures and playing with everything inside the museum. She didn't want to leave the crocodiles!!

After the zoo we decided to stop at one of the fruit stands that we pass by almost everyday but had never stopped at before. It was closed. So we decided to go to one of our favorites that we have only visited once and that was while my parents were here in August. It was closed. I guess fruit stands are closed on Sundays here. I saw a MaxValue (Japanese grocery store) and knew they would have what we were looking for so we stopped. Produce can be very expensive here. The last few apples we had cost almost $1.50 EACH, potatoes can be more than $1 for 1, and we know someone who actually paid around $24 for a cantaloupe when they first arrived on island! So we try to occasionally go off-base to buy locally. One of Grace's FAVORITE fruits right now are Japanese oranges. I think they may be tangerines but our mamasan calls them oranges (they have brought us some before.. this is where we learned how yummy they are!).

We found the tangerines and we also found lots of other goodies. We ended up with some fresh broccoli, tomato, tangerines, strawberries, and ice cream! At the commissary strawberries have been about $6 for a little package but here they were 342 Yen (around $3.50)!! On the way home I started thinking... what are we going to do with the strawberries? I happened to remember the toy chocolate fountain I bought around Christmas that we have not had a chance to try out yet. So after dinner last night I set everything up and we had a yummy (and fun) dessert!!

For more Chocolate Fountain Fun pictures click HERE


Patty Patterson said...

That does look like fun. I've never really been a big fan of chocolate fountains, but watching Grace stick her strawberries in one would be fun!

Jeannette said...

You're a brave momma! I'd have stripped my son to his diaper before getting that messy. :p Very cute!

New Girl on Post said...

$24 for a cantalope! Wow! And I thought fruit and veggies in Italy were expensive.


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